Monday, December 7, 2009

Fun days at Men's Thursday Noon Bible Study on November 19 and December 3 2009 - Upper Room type articles

Please let Don know if we need to correct or remove any material .

Click on name for the articles/videos of each:
Bob, Cal, Danny, Don, Durward, John, Ken, Ralph, Tom

What a fun day we had at our Men's Thursday Noon Bible Study on November 19. Could you believe we ended up singing what we could remember of some oldie (Gospel) hymns and telling stories to maybe bringing tears to some of our eyes.

In talking with several of you, I find I am not the only one now to have a better appreciation for the authors of the articles in the Upper Room. I found it hard to share my thoughts clearly in such a brief writing and to have meaning and related scripture, prayer, and thoughts for the day. I imagine many of my previous low scores I gave when we were grading articles would be higher if done now. The exercise made me more appreciative of the writers plus it was good to hear thoughts from our group not previously expressed. Thanks to Jim Hatfield for leading us into this worthwhile exercise.

I worried no one would show up (the first day) - on the contrary we had a big group (Bob Lumadue, Bob Spiro. Ken ,Tom,
John, Ralph, Don R, Elliott, and Richard - did I leave any out?). We thought we would have only Chicken and Dumplings but Shebra surprised us with that and more - chicken breast, turkey, those great green beans from Wednesday night, that great dressing and gravy - wow what a feast. On December 3 we covered the articles of Cal, Durward, John, and Don.

Not only did a good group show up but we came prepared. First Richard read the article by Danny Watts. Danny was not present but he had sent in his homework. We decided to read and discuss his first because he was "not here to defend himself." What a moving article of the importance of ministering to our youth, in his case through the Explorer Scouts as he wrote. The discussion moved to relating good memories in the group of their scouting days. We learned then praised Tom for having earned the "Eagle Scout Award," the highest award in scouting. Several of us were envious (a sin, I guess) as we related we reached only the Life Award, the second highest award behind Eagle. We did not count merit badges, but maybe next time. Ken told a story on Danny when he and his scouts used borrowed medal canoes on a rocky river. Danny and the boys spent days in the Scout Hut pounding out the dents. Ken pointed out they were learning to be responsible. I guess wood does not dent Many other Scouting stories came forward emphasizing how the basics of Scouting stay with young men as they grow into adulthood. Thank you Danny, and had you been here there was nothing you would have had to defend as your article was an inspiration.

Some of Danny's scripture had to do with the importance of training up youth. It connected with Ken Buker's article on the child in him as Ken related some of the lessons he learned as a child, especially from old hymns learned way back then. Remembering them years later gives support during times when complicated ethical and theological issues must be addressed - we can just go back to that child like faith that says Jesus loves me . . for the Bible tells me so . . Then - would you believe this - a question was asked of Ken if he knew the words to some hymns he mentioned and could he hum or sing a line or two. Ken did. About that time Bob Lumadue joined in and then Richard Harrison and before long everyone was trying to sing , and I was so moved. What an experience as we remembered words from long ago. Ken said he learned the hymns when his Presbyterian preacher father would take him to the Baptist Church on Sunday night where they sang over and over all the oldies. . Thanks Ken for the good advice and the good memories.

As Ken was finishing, Bob Lumadue was so excited he literally jumped out of his seat and started spreading copies of his article to everyone. He apologized for jumping in but he felt his article fit right in with Ken's main point and he could not wait. Bob told of his love for the hymn "Eye of the Sparrow" and what it had meant to him - some experiences with family and some with others. He warned us he might not make it through reading his work without choking up - but he did and we are all better for it. Then , somehow, we remembered some of the lines and the group was humming and singing again - this time with a little more confidence. Then other members of the group told of times when this hymn had been meaningful to them. Bob said daughter Liz sang it often and was somewhat her "trademark," (my phrase, I forget what Bob used) and now Bob and I want to have her sing it for the our Ownbey Sunday School Class - she has given us superb and special in class performances on occasion. Good work Bob.

Tom Stinson shared with us a super and timely
subject - Thanksgiving - as he tied his article in with the season. He related how he felt God was helping him when he decided to move to Charlotte at 70 years of age to be near his daughter. He said the medical facilities in Charlotte were a blessing because he has received such good care through two open heart surgeries and sugeries of wife Judy. Had he stayed in Alabama such treatment would have been harder to get and further away, and he was thankful for how the move helped with that. As he said, we all have much to be thankful for and Tom helped put it in perspective. Thanks Tom for sharing and making all of us more aware of how thankful we should be.

Ralph Webb shared with us some words of wisdom he found recently
which offer good insight for all of us. A man had lived a long life and had successes and some failures. He realized he was on his death bed. In the hospital he and a long time friend were sharing thoughts. He was asked what he had learned from life. He hesitated a few moments as he considered his response and then said there were three things including
1> Better to tell the truth than lie
2> Better to know than be ignorant
3> Better to be free than a slave
Our group also added to the three another
4> Better to love and be loved that not
Thanks Ralph, we need to live with this in mind
John Blackwelder reported he heard our member Claude Davis was in the hospital intensive care. He lost his 50ish son in law recently. We had no more details on Claude.

Ken volunteered to do the closing prayer with suggestions from the group. He prayed for Claude Davis, Tom's grandson who is now 10 days in Afghanistan, a niece and nephew of Bob Lumadue, Bob Spiro . . grandson, for our group here and not present. Thanks again Ken.

What a fun day as I said in the opening above but also a meaningful one if I read the group correctly. Thanks to you as all really did your part. As I said I was worried about the session and you fellows made it a joy at least for me - thank you. Richard Harrison, who pointed out he is probably younger than the others, said and later wrote the following

The scripture that mentions"where 2 are gathered" must really be true . . . because I certainly felt that the Holy Spirit was with us today! We went through a wonderful bible study that truly MOVED me. I learn something at every session, but today was special because of the testimonies given by several members who spoke of God's enduring faithfulness through ALL KINDS of situations. I am probably the youngest member of the bible study, and I noticed a common thread contained in each and every story; these men have known God a lot of years,and the lessons that have carried them are the very simple ones (Jesus loves me, His eye is on the sparrow, be thankful and praise him,etc...). They learned these lessons from an early age (also the hymns!) and those same simple Christian principles of love and faith are even more important to them today. I pray that I will keep and live the faith in the same manner and with the same love they have shown me. I will certainly love them. I will never forget this day! God Bless!

On December 03 Cal, Durward, John, and Don did their articles. Durward told of one of the miracles in his life when he cold turkey stopped smoking, but the class had fun addressing not the miracle of it or that miracles "still happen," but how they stopped smoking. This discussion led me to believe there are thousands of folks around that have beaten that desire and would like to talk about it; I think we should encourage them when we can for it is a big deal. John shared heartfelt feelings about what the taking and teaching of Bible classes such as Disciple meant to him and in his journey to find peace. I appreciate his words and he is a good example of what we all need to try yo do. Cal spoke of working long hours to help pay for college driving a truck and early one morning he almost ran into a train, causing him to forever wonder why he was saved. Perhaps there is a reason, he reasoned. Don talked football and tried to illustrate with the fifth down how hard it is to do the right thing at times, especially when the cost is high in prestige or other ways.

Thanks again for making this a couple of fun and meaningful sessions. I am glad you came!

Articles and videos are at
and at links connected to the names above

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