Wednesday, December 2, 2009

John Blackwelder - THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID

Read Psalm 50-12-14
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed on his name, he gave the right to become children of GOD
John 1-12-14
I have always considered myself religious, a Christian. For years, however, I struggled with past sins, bad choices and lack of works or perhaps commitment. I worried about life and death, family and problems. My religion exceeded my faith
My correct religion was challenged by a Bible Study closely dissecting the New Covenant, I knew my way to the Church but not true WAY. I was tempted to believe there were many ways and joined the world in correct and popular accepted belief. The study gave me LIGHT to find the WAY .
A Bible study opened the Bible to me for the first time since my youth.I looked in the mirror and challenged myself, my faith was lacking. I had been influenced by Satin;s old trick of making us think we carried the weight of our past and future sins. This message was sometimes projected from some pulpits,indirectly questioning the Blood of Christ, shed for us.Correct religion as presented by the worldly authorities questioning the sufficiency of Jesus Christ blood and attempts to relegate him to prophet, as Satin wishes and not the Son of GOD. Satin's defeat at the Resurrection.of CHRIST and the coming of the HOLY SPIRIT to members of his family sealed his fate.
I am at peace, his blood is sufficient for all my sins. I have accepted his invitation to follow him and be his bother, sharing a Heavenly FATHER who has given me new birth in the SPIRIT who resides in my earthly body.Get behind me Satin, you do not worry me and I recognize you for who you are
Thought for the Day
Accept the fact we are sinner, dead, but by the Grace of GOD and the blood of JESUS, live in him. His Kingdom has come
John N. Blackwelder, Sr

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