Friday, May 21, 2010
The above link takes you to our Men's Thursday Noon Bible Study Schedule. Find a date and
click on something on the line and it will take you to the selected lesson. There is a
username and password involved .

Usually I update the assignment for the current week on a daily basis after I receive the mailing from the Upper Room - which has the scripture printed, in contrast to the booklet. The Men's Devotional reading and the full set of Upper Room articles for the week are there usually Thursday Morning. On Friday morning the set for the next week begins with the one (Friday) Upper Room article and the Men's Devotional reading. As the week goes by, the articles for each day are added. I cannot add them all early because they are not available until 3 a.m of the particular day.

Why do I do this: I like to be able to print out anytime and already have all the scriptures looked up. Also I can get to it from any computer or my laptop . . .

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