Monday, December 7, 2009

Fun days at Men's Thursday Noon Bible Study on November 19 and December 3 2009 - Upper Room type articles

Please let Don know if we need to correct or remove any material .

Click on name for the articles/videos of each:
Bob, Cal, Danny, Don, Durward, John, Ken, Ralph, Tom

What a fun day we had at our Men's Thursday Noon Bible Study on November 19. Could you believe we ended up singing what we could remember of some oldie (Gospel) hymns and telling stories to maybe bringing tears to some of our eyes.

In talking with several of you, I find I am not the only one now to have a better appreciation for the authors of the articles in the Upper Room. I found it hard to share my thoughts clearly in such a brief writing and to have meaning and related scripture, prayer, and thoughts for the day. I imagine many of my previous low scores I gave when we were grading articles would be higher if done now. The exercise made me more appreciative of the writers plus it was good to hear thoughts from our group not previously expressed. Thanks to Jim Hatfield for leading us into this worthwhile exercise.

I worried no one would show up (the first day) - on the contrary we had a big group (Bob Lumadue, Bob Spiro. Ken ,Tom,
John, Ralph, Don R, Elliott, and Richard - did I leave any out?). We thought we would have only Chicken and Dumplings but Shebra surprised us with that and more - chicken breast, turkey, those great green beans from Wednesday night, that great dressing and gravy - wow what a feast. On December 3 we covered the articles of Cal, Durward, John, and Don.

Not only did a good group show up but we came prepared. First Richard read the article by Danny Watts. Danny was not present but he had sent in his homework. We decided to read and discuss his first because he was "not here to defend himself." What a moving article of the importance of ministering to our youth, in his case through the Explorer Scouts as he wrote. The discussion moved to relating good memories in the group of their scouting days. We learned then praised Tom for having earned the "Eagle Scout Award," the highest award in scouting. Several of us were envious (a sin, I guess) as we related we reached only the Life Award, the second highest award behind Eagle. We did not count merit badges, but maybe next time. Ken told a story on Danny when he and his scouts used borrowed medal canoes on a rocky river. Danny and the boys spent days in the Scout Hut pounding out the dents. Ken pointed out they were learning to be responsible. I guess wood does not dent Many other Scouting stories came forward emphasizing how the basics of Scouting stay with young men as they grow into adulthood. Thank you Danny, and had you been here there was nothing you would have had to defend as your article was an inspiration.

Some of Danny's scripture had to do with the importance of training up youth. It connected with Ken Buker's article on the child in him as Ken related some of the lessons he learned as a child, especially from old hymns learned way back then. Remembering them years later gives support during times when complicated ethical and theological issues must be addressed - we can just go back to that child like faith that says Jesus loves me . . for the Bible tells me so . . Then - would you believe this - a question was asked of Ken if he knew the words to some hymns he mentioned and could he hum or sing a line or two. Ken did. About that time Bob Lumadue joined in and then Richard Harrison and before long everyone was trying to sing , and I was so moved. What an experience as we remembered words from long ago. Ken said he learned the hymns when his Presbyterian preacher father would take him to the Baptist Church on Sunday night where they sang over and over all the oldies. . Thanks Ken for the good advice and the good memories.

As Ken was finishing, Bob Lumadue was so excited he literally jumped out of his seat and started spreading copies of his article to everyone. He apologized for jumping in but he felt his article fit right in with Ken's main point and he could not wait. Bob told of his love for the hymn "Eye of the Sparrow" and what it had meant to him - some experiences with family and some with others. He warned us he might not make it through reading his work without choking up - but he did and we are all better for it. Then , somehow, we remembered some of the lines and the group was humming and singing again - this time with a little more confidence. Then other members of the group told of times when this hymn had been meaningful to them. Bob said daughter Liz sang it often and was somewhat her "trademark," (my phrase, I forget what Bob used) and now Bob and I want to have her sing it for the our Ownbey Sunday School Class - she has given us superb and special in class performances on occasion. Good work Bob.

Tom Stinson shared with us a super and timely
subject - Thanksgiving - as he tied his article in with the season. He related how he felt God was helping him when he decided to move to Charlotte at 70 years of age to be near his daughter. He said the medical facilities in Charlotte were a blessing because he has received such good care through two open heart surgeries and sugeries of wife Judy. Had he stayed in Alabama such treatment would have been harder to get and further away, and he was thankful for how the move helped with that. As he said, we all have much to be thankful for and Tom helped put it in perspective. Thanks Tom for sharing and making all of us more aware of how thankful we should be.

Ralph Webb shared with us some words of wisdom he found recently
which offer good insight for all of us. A man had lived a long life and had successes and some failures. He realized he was on his death bed. In the hospital he and a long time friend were sharing thoughts. He was asked what he had learned from life. He hesitated a few moments as he considered his response and then said there were three things including
1> Better to tell the truth than lie
2> Better to know than be ignorant
3> Better to be free than a slave
Our group also added to the three another
4> Better to love and be loved that not
Thanks Ralph, we need to live with this in mind
John Blackwelder reported he heard our member Claude Davis was in the hospital intensive care. He lost his 50ish son in law recently. We had no more details on Claude.

Ken volunteered to do the closing prayer with suggestions from the group. He prayed for Claude Davis, Tom's grandson who is now 10 days in Afghanistan, a niece and nephew of Bob Lumadue, Bob Spiro . . grandson, for our group here and not present. Thanks again Ken.

What a fun day as I said in the opening above but also a meaningful one if I read the group correctly. Thanks to you as all really did your part. As I said I was worried about the session and you fellows made it a joy at least for me - thank you. Richard Harrison, who pointed out he is probably younger than the others, said and later wrote the following

The scripture that mentions"where 2 are gathered" must really be true . . . because I certainly felt that the Holy Spirit was with us today! We went through a wonderful bible study that truly MOVED me. I learn something at every session, but today was special because of the testimonies given by several members who spoke of God's enduring faithfulness through ALL KINDS of situations. I am probably the youngest member of the bible study, and I noticed a common thread contained in each and every story; these men have known God a lot of years,and the lessons that have carried them are the very simple ones (Jesus loves me, His eye is on the sparrow, be thankful and praise him,etc...). They learned these lessons from an early age (also the hymns!) and those same simple Christian principles of love and faith are even more important to them today. I pray that I will keep and live the faith in the same manner and with the same love they have shown me. I will certainly love them. I will never forget this day! God Bless!

On December 03 Cal, Durward, John, and Don did their articles. Durward told of one of the miracles in his life when he cold turkey stopped smoking, but the class had fun addressing not the miracle of it or that miracles "still happen," but how they stopped smoking. This discussion led me to believe there are thousands of folks around that have beaten that desire and would like to talk about it; I think we should encourage them when we can for it is a big deal. John shared heartfelt feelings about what the taking and teaching of Bible classes such as Disciple meant to him and in his journey to find peace. I appreciate his words and he is a good example of what we all need to try yo do. Cal spoke of working long hours to help pay for college driving a truck and early one morning he almost ran into a train, causing him to forever wonder why he was saved. Perhaps there is a reason, he reasoned. Don talked football and tried to illustrate with the fifth down how hard it is to do the right thing at times, especially when the cost is high in prestige or other ways.

Thanks again for making this a couple of fun and meaningful sessions. I am glad you came!

Articles and videos are at
and at links connected to the names above

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Durward Owen - Miracles

Two visiting Yankee Catholic friends, following an all night bar hopping, were seated at back of church. My son was joining the Methodist church. I went back to be sure they were safe enough to remain for the service. Al Brown asked, “what are you giving him?”.! responded, “nothing, we Protestants do not have that practice”.

Following the service I reached into my coat pocket to pull out my cigarettes, a lifetime practice, having smoked several packets a day, for as long as I can remember. Many efforts to stop had not worked. In a flash the comment by Al became a blinding experience, and I turned to David, gave him the almost full packet and said, “as a gift today I will never smoke a cigarette again as long as I live.

I have never smoked a cigarette since that day. I believe that was a miracle, and that miracles still come from God. We just do not recognize them.

JOHN CHAPTER 4, VERSE 48: “Unless you see miraculous signs and wonders you will never believe”

John Blackwelder - THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID

Read Psalm 50-12-14
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed on his name, he gave the right to become children of GOD
John 1-12-14
I have always considered myself religious, a Christian. For years, however, I struggled with past sins, bad choices and lack of works or perhaps commitment. I worried about life and death, family and problems. My religion exceeded my faith
My correct religion was challenged by a Bible Study closely dissecting the New Covenant, I knew my way to the Church but not true WAY. I was tempted to believe there were many ways and joined the world in correct and popular accepted belief. The study gave me LIGHT to find the WAY .
A Bible study opened the Bible to me for the first time since my youth.I looked in the mirror and challenged myself, my faith was lacking. I had been influenced by Satin;s old trick of making us think we carried the weight of our past and future sins. This message was sometimes projected from some pulpits,indirectly questioning the Blood of Christ, shed for us.Correct religion as presented by the worldly authorities questioning the sufficiency of Jesus Christ blood and attempts to relegate him to prophet, as Satin wishes and not the Son of GOD. Satin's defeat at the Resurrection.of CHRIST and the coming of the HOLY SPIRIT to members of his family sealed his fate.
I am at peace, his blood is sufficient for all my sins. I have accepted his invitation to follow him and be his bother, sharing a Heavenly FATHER who has given me new birth in the SPIRIT who resides in my earthly body.Get behind me Satin, you do not worry me and I recognize you for who you are
Thought for the Day
Accept the fact we are sinner, dead, but by the Grace of GOD and the blood of JESUS, live in him. His Kingdom has come
John N. Blackwelder, Sr

Ralph Webb BETTER TO . . .

Ralph shared with us a story he heard recently which offers good insight for all of us. A man had lived a long life and had successes and some failures. He realized he was on his death bed and in the hospital he and a friend were sharing thoughts. He was asked what he had learned from life. He hesitared a few moments as he considered his response and then said there were three things including
1> Better to tell the truth than lie
2> Better to know than be ignorant
3> Better to be free than a slave

Our group also added to the three another
4> Better to love and be loved that not

Thanks Ralph for some wisdom for long living.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Danny Watts - EXPLORING

Read Proverbs 22:6
Proverbs 22:6 (English Standard Version)

6(A) Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Cross references:

1. Proverbs 22:6 : Eph 6:4; 2 Tim 3:15

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. Romans 12: 6 – 8 NIV

In early 1974 a co-Youth Sunday school teacher asked if I would be an advisor in a to be formed Explorer Post. He was the Exploring executive in our county charged with establishing Posts county wide. Exploring is the co-educational division of the Boy Scouts of America. Thus began a 22-year commitment of my working with young boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 21 as a volunteer. Our post engaged in high adventure activities such as back packing, camping, rock climbing and rappelling, white-water canoing and kayaking, snow skiing, both down hill and cross county, etc. We endeavored to go out once a month rain or shine. Two primary lessons given them were ‘leave it better than you found it’ and ‘you are responsible for your own acts’. It is gratifying to hear occasionally from some of these Explorers or their parents about how much they learned from these experiences. What a blessing it is, thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, it is very hard to know and do the right thing as a teenager. Please help young people think before they do something they will regret the rest of their lives.

Thought for the day: We are responsible for our own acts.

Danny Watts

Prayer Focus: Young People

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ken Buker - Oh ye of" LITTLE" Faith

Matthew 18:2-6 (English Standard Version)

2And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, 6but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Linda retyped this for us

Matthew 18-2-6: (English Standard Version) 2. And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3. and said "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, 6. but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
"And a little child will lead them." Isaiah 11:6

The older I get, the more I look back. When I attended my dad's 90th birthday, my mom told me to be careful what I said to the group about dad -- There's a little boy in him too, you know! (My dad, a minister who never retired.)
Looking back on my childhood, I remember these songs - Jesus Loves Me -- Brighten the Corner Where You Are -- What a Friend We Have in Jesus -- In My Heart There Rings a Melody -- Into My Heart -- Faith of Our Fathers -- Onward Christian Soldiers.
So many more hymns come to mind and I loved them all - still do. When in the mountains or at the seashore, the songs just rattle around in my head at times. And when complicated ethical and theological questions are debated, we can just go back to that childlike faith that says Jesus loves me, this I know - for the Bible tells me so!
And in a couple of years - when I turn 90 - please, someone, remind me - There's a little boy in me somewhere. Let it show.
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for Amazing Grace. Amen


Click on yellow pad for larger picture

Bob Lumadue EYE ON THE SPARROW Video



Matthew 6:26
26Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Matthew 10:26-31
26Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
29Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

About 70 years ago, in a small Methodist church in El Reno, Oklahoma, I first heard my mother sing “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. Even at that young age of seven, for some reason it had a significant effect on me. I did not fully understand the message, and certainly not the scripture behind it, but it touched me nevertheless. That is just the beginning of the story, which is somewhat self-serving, but I will tell it anyway.

This song is still in the Cokesbury Hymnal, thankfully, and I wish it were in the large Methodist hymnal. A lot of the old “down home” hymns have not survived the “improvements” that have taken place in the big hymnal over the years —but that is another story

Well, about 40 years ago, I was privileged to hear a cousin of my wife sing the same number in a small church in upper South Carolina, at a family gathering. Needless to say, it brought back memories.

About 15 years ago, at one of the first Hymn Sings at our church, a young tenor named Keith Hudspeth sang what has now become “my song” in his beautiful tenor voice. I cried like a baby.

Now, flash forward to about 10 years ago, and with no connection known to her, our daughter sang one of her first solos at St Andrews Methodist, and it was “His Eye is on the Sparrow’! Her voice bears an uncanny similarity to my mother’s voice — and that was a real experience, for me and for my wife Anne. Whatever talent our daughter has for singing, she got probably equally from my mother and from Arnie’s father, passed down to Anne and then to Liz. Certainly not from me!

Through the years of course, I have familiarized myself with the scriptures which were the inspiration for the song, mainly Matthew 6: 26, and 10:26-31. It becomes more and more apparent to me that God does have his eye on us, just as he has his eye on the smallest sparrow, and of course all living things.

I feel truly blessed to have the series of experiences I mentioned, and thank you for letting me share them.

My prayer would be that each of us continues to remember that “His Eye is on the Sparrow — and I Know He Watches Me”. Amen and Amen.


(Linda typed this for us . . )
Suggested Bible Reading: Psalm 100: 1-5 (NIV) "1. Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3.Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His Name. 5. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."
Today's Scripture: Psalm 75:1 "Oh, God, we give thanks to you. We proclaim how great you are and tell of the wonderful things you have done."
This is the season of Thanksgiving. I have much to be thankful for - my family, friends, my church, and the fact that I live in a free country.
My lovely wife of 60 years and I moved to Charlotte in 1998 to be near our daughter and her family. It was quite an adjustment; however, we soon realized that with God's help, we had made the right decision.
I have had two open-heart surgeries and my wife has had cornea transplants, all of which would have been a 60-mile trip to a Birmingham hospital.
God has richly Blessed me and I am truly thankful.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to express our thanksgiving to you and all mankind.
Thought for the Day: Count our many Blessings.
Prayer Focus: Live your life in a Spirit of Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Jim asked me to lead the group Thursday , November 19, and so I have been thinking about it.

On Thursday remember we are scheduled to present our "Upper Room" type articles to each other.
Since we have not discussed procedures, I thought I would make up some and let you tell me if they need changing. Here we go.

1> Look ate the Upper Room and check its format.
2>The Upper Room articles have several sections:
Title of your Write Up
Suggested Bible Reading
Todays' Scripture
(The Write up)
Thought for the Day
Prayer Focus
3>We probably need to have read before the session, otherwise we will be there all day making copies, reading for first time, and finding scripture references, all while we are trying to eat.
4> To save time we would lose in copying, I suggest we print/copy before the meeting as follows . . .
5> I suggest we email copies to each other and we each can print out the ones we receive.
4>Also print a couple of copies of yours to bring in case we need extra, the emailing does not work. or/and for those without email. I might usa mail mine to Ken who has no email
5>If you want to use the copier at the church, there is one in the library beside Ownbey Class Room 110. Try to do well before class as it might be backed up as the microwave is sometimes heating our food.
6> Even if you are not going to be present, go ahead and email your work to all. When this project came up no one objected to the idea.
7> Let me know if you want to change these suggestions.
8> I will send you my copy after I give you a chance first to voice any changes to these suggested procedures (and after I add the prayer which I forgot until I made the list under #2).
9>I also will put mine on our Blog Site and later I will ask you if I may add yours.These suggestions are on our Blog now at

See you Thursday


Friday, November 6, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A reminder that we'll meet in Rm 105 this week for another Truth Project
video. So we can start promptly at noon, be sure to arrive early enough to get some
of Shebra's good grub and be back to 105 by 12:00. Look forward to seeing you all there.
jim hatfield

Monday, May 11, 2009

Our Study Process

NOTE 2007 Change in FORMAT:

Guys: (5/14/2007)
Men's Bible Study - New Study Process

After discussion, we've decided to change the process which we use in
Thursday's Bible studies. It seemed that, in the old way, we talked
about Scripture but gradually got away from actually studying in the
Scripture. We began to emphasize the Upper Room stories (giving grades 1 - 10),
and rarely discussed the Scriptural references.

In the new way, we'll read/discuss the Scripture references in the
applicable Upper Room stories and discontinue the grading of the stories.
(We didn't feel it right to "grade" the Scripture, so the entire grading process has been eliminated).

That said, now all you need do is come prepared to discuss the Upper
Room Scripture references for the week..... maybe taking/bringing some
notes on each referenced Scripture passage and being prepared to
discuss any that enlightened, impacted, puzzled, intrigued, amused, angered,
lifted, depressed, or concerned you. Your call.

(We also use the Men's Bible according to the schedule as well.dsr 5/12/09)

We've tried this for a couple of weeks and it seems to work out OK.
Discussions have been lively.

Look forward to seeing you Thursday.

Any questions, just ask.

Jim Hatfield

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bible Scholars and others, win $$ for you or your favorite charity

Bible Scholars and others

So what if you do not know all you want to about the Bible, if you learn just the books in order you can win $ for you or your favorite charity - contact don, get together, and recite the names successfully in order by memory two times in a row. Offer ends soon. Click here to see winners from the Ownbey class for a similar offer at

$50 Bible books in order
Extra $25 for including the (18 Books of the) Apocrypha!
and $25 more for 10 Commadements

Books of Bible at
Apcorypha list at
Poems with Bible Books' Names

get Bible Business Cards from the Ownbey Class

Win $50

Thursday, February 5, 2009

02/05/09 Thu "Truth Project"

We did the first volume of the TRUTH PROJECT and will do the remaining 10 volumes the first of each month (we did #2 or 3 last month). Link to Truth Project Web page

Lesson 1 - Veritology: What is Truth?
The Truth Project begins by defining truth as "that which corresponds to reality." This absolute and eternal truth, at the heart of Jesus' mission on earth, continues to be the focal point of the Cosmic Battle in our own time.

Lesson 2 - Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?
Truth is not simply an academic concept. The way we think about truth has a direct bearing upon the way we live our lives. What's more, our understanding of right and wrong is directly dependent on our worldview: is the universe God's creation or a closed cosmic cube?

Lesson 3 - Anthropology: Who is Man?
Link to  Video   (Give it up to 3 minutes to load, it will !) 
The Bible tells us that man was created in God's image but fell from innocence through sin. Modern psychology, on the other hand, asserts that man is inherently good and behaves badly only under the influence of social or institutional pressure. This lesson explores the implications of both views.
Lesson 4 - Theology: Who is God?
Eternal life, according to Jesus, is knowing God in an intimate, personal, and relational way. Such knowledge, which is possible only because of divine revelation, transforms us from the inside out as we begin to see ourselves in the light of His majesty and holiness.
Lesson 5 - Science: What is True?
Science, the "systematic study of the natural world," brings to light innumerable evidences of Intelligent Design. But Darwinian theory transforms science from the honest investigation of nature into a vehicle for propagating a godless philosophy. (Part One)
A careful examination of molecular biology and the fossil record demonstrates that evolution is not a "proven fact." Meanwhile, history shows that ideas, including Darwinism as a social philosophy, have definite consequences – consequences that can turn ugly when God is left out of the picture. (Part Two) Back to top
Lesson 6 - History: Whose Story?
Does the past have an objective actuality and significance? Or does it, as postmodernist philosophy asserts, exist primarily inside our heads? This tour considers the meaning of history as God’s story and shows us why remembering is so important.
Lesson 7 - Sociology: The Divine Imprint
The order we observe in the natural realm is even more apparent in the social systems God has established: family, church, community, state, labor, and the union between God and man. Life is a series of relationships that flow out of and reflect the Trinitarian nature of the Creator. Back to top
Lesson 8 - Unio Mystica: Am I Alone?
Is it possible for the infinite, eternal Creator to dwell within the heart of an individual? The implications of this great mystery, which represents the very core of the Christian faith, are explored at length in this examination of the most intimate of the social spheres. Back to top
Lesson 9 - The State: Whose Law?
Of all the social spheres, the state, to which God grants the power of the sword for the punishment of evil and the preservation of the good, has the greatest potential to go awry if it oversteps its authority. The civil magistrate must always remember his place under the sovereignty of God – otherwise, havoc will ensue.
Lesson 10 - The American Experiment: Stepping Stones
America is unique in the history of the world. On these shores a people holding to a biblical worldview have had an opportunity to set up a system of government designed to keep the state within its divinely ordained boundaries. Tour #10 follows the history of this experiment and explores what happens to freedom when God is forgotten.
Lesson 11 - Labor: Created to Create
Contrary to a great deal of contemporary popular opinion, work is not a "curse." God Himself is active and creative, and He calls man to share in the joy of His activity and creativity. Labor, economics, media, and the creative arts all have a role to play in magnifying the glory of the Creator.
Lesson 12 - Community and Involvement: God Cares, do I?
The ethical law and the meaning of the Christian life are summed up in the commandment to love God and one's neighbor. This command is the source of the believer's motivation for self-sacrificial service to the needy and their personal involvement in our culture. Link to Truth Project Web page

Friday, January 23, 2009

2006.11.09 Bibles on Display MPUMC

This was a great display of old Bibles in November of 2006