Thursday, August 19, 2010

September Sessions Alternatives

As for leaders next month, I think we came up with some good alternatives. You do not need to feel like you have to do it (unless if you kinda want to that would be great).

To list (to help me remember): (In order of my preference)

  1. Take a break. The more I think about it, the more I like it. I bet many of us go to a lot of extra effort to try not to miss and it could be refreshing to go away a while and then come back. I usually worry about momentum but I do not think that would  be an issue. We have been doing this for 10 years or more.
  2. Instead of September classes, have the group and wives/etc meet for dinner one  night of  September.  If it works maybe could do on an irregular basis. I want to think on that and let it cook whether we even want to bring it up. Charlotte Cafe or fancier?  would Shebra do a meal for us at church?  Other low price alternatives?
  3. Fly Mary Lou in !
  4. Pot Luck
  5. Ask several of our members who have not led to do it
  6. Do your/some videos - Many in the class were for that at one time as some had missed and wanted to view
  7. Get a minister to talk to us
  8. Get an outside speaker
  9. Ask if anyone wants double duty for month
  10. Ask if any want double duty for a week
  11. Alternative leaders  - draw out of a hat
  12. Tours
    1. Take a tour of the Library and learn how to use it
    2. Tour church, we never got Dulen (sp) to do it as we could not match with his of work time
  13. Could we do some church project then
Maybe when we bring  September up we begin talking about the Leader format for next year and see what people think. I believe the format this year has been good for us and especially for those that lead as they  practiced more preparation and leadership of a wild group. Also maybe we need to discuss the ground rules so we are on the same boat. For example, I thought we tried to have our food and seated by 12, and I think you felt we should have the food eaten by 12. Also, I think it is common courtesy for a leader  to  arrange replacements when that leader plans to miss. Be good to mention reimbursing the Church for the Upper Rooms. If people are to miss should they tell any one before hand. If they are ill?  If someone needs a ride what can we do. Should we recognize birthdays etc. Should we get a stationery card for communications from the group. I am rambling and that is overkill but I would like us all to agree at least on the 12 o'clock food timing. Also, should we stick to the 1 p.m. ending  time.

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