Monday, August 30, 2010

Faith - What is the definition

What is the definition of faith?

The dictionary definition of faith is, “the theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.” For a Christian, this definition is not just words on a page it is a way of life. Faith is acceptance of what we cannot see but feel deep within our hearts. Faith is a belief that one-day we will stand before our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Click here for the rest of the story

The Fear of God – The Real Meaning

The Fear of God – The Real Meaning
In these “Fear of God” scriptures, the word “fear” is derived from Hebrew words such as yir’ah (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; Psalm 2:11; 19:9; 34:11), yare’ (Psalm 33:8; 86:11; Jeremiah 5:22; Ecclesiastes 12:13) and pachad (Job 23:15), which actually mean “fear,” “terror,” or “dread.” Although many Christian teachers will downplay the “fear of God” and use replacement words such as “respect,” “reverence,” or “honor,” the Hebrew language is pretty clear. In addition, there are other Hebrew words that portray softer meanings, such as kabad (Exodus 20:12 – “Honor your father and your mother…” Proverbs 3:9 – “Honor the LORD with your wealth…”) 

    Click here for the rest of the story

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Leighton Ford on a Christian Approach to Muslims

Found this on our Ben Witherinton's Blog

Leighton Ford on a Christian Approach to Muslims

Saturday August 28, 2010

Bble Lands 2010 198.jpg

Leighton Ford is an old Charlotte friend of mine, and was formerly Billy Graham's right hand man in the Billy Graham Association.  I find what he says in this post both sensible, sane, and well worth reflection.  BW3
Jesus and the Mosque
On a shelf at home I have a copy of Pilgrims of Christ on the Muslim Road, the story of the Syrian-born writer Mazhar Mallouhi. As a young man who grew up in a Muslim family he had a profound spiritual hunger, read widely, learned of Jesus in the Bible, and became a follower of Christ while remaining loyal to his Muslim culture.
His novels are read by millions in the Middle East. Through them he has sought to bridge misunderstandings between Muslims and Christians.
In the book is a photo of him in the famous Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo, sitting with a group of Muslims as they read the Gospels together. It is his custom to say, "I am a follower of Christ. Here is what Jesus said. Tell me honestly, do you think I am living as Jesus said I should?"
I thought of Mallouhi's question during the heated dispute over the location of a Muslim mosque and community center near Ground Zero in New York. Among the voices being raised - some harsh with anger, some deep with indignation about "rights"- I wonder if the missing voice is that of Jesus?
If I were a Muslim I might want to claim rights, but also want my leaders to consider whether another location would work and help to heal some deep hurts. But I am not a Muslim. Those issues are for the Muslim community to decide.
What I need to ask is: what does Jesus say to us who say we follow him?
Suppose we, like Mallouhi, sat down with some Muslims in the new community center, and read with them some of the words of Jesus, words like "Do good to those who hate you." That could apply to radical terrorists who want to blow us up. So how can it not apply to Muslim neighbors who are living among us?
Many years ago my late friend J. Christy Wilson was pastor of the first ever Christian church in Kabul, Afghanistan. Through the good offices of President Eisenhower permission was granted to build the church, attended by Christian expatriates.
The time came when the Afghan authorities revoked permission and announced they would knock the church down. When the bulldozers arrived what did the Christ followers there do? They served tea to the workers who were destroying their church building!
They were living out a central tenet of our Christian faith - that we are "saved by grace" -God's grace freely given in Jesus Christ - and they showed grace.
How can we do that?  I hope the churches and the Christ followers in New York can figure it out. Perhaps delivering a cool drink to the workers who will build the center? After all Paul went so far as to write (and this was about enemies, not neighbors) "If they are thirsty, give them something to drink."
Does this mean we naively accept real evil? Not at all. I understand the rage that 9/11 stirred. Force is often needed to protect the innocent. But ultimately I have to follow Jesus and his follower Paul in the baffling reality of Paul's admonition to "Overcome evil with good."
What does the love of Christ compel me to do? Perhaps whether in New York or Charlotte to extend a little more grace - actually a whole lot more. Wouldn't that be the best witness we could make?
Leighton Ford

Read more:

Travelers Gift, Andy Andrews, Lincoln on Forgiveness (2)

Hi guys,
Please tell me if you do not want to receive such emails; I will understand as we all get too many. You can always go to the Blog for current info)
Good lesson Thursday, thanks Bob L for a good month.
We had a good laugh Thursday. Not sure you guys were laughing with me or what when I said the author of the great little book, the Travelers Gift, made a killing from it. In any event, here is part of his promotion:

  • Hailed by a New York Times writer as a "modern-day Will Rogers who has quietly become one of the most influential people in America."
  • Spoken at the request of four different U.S. Presidents
  • Every single minute a book by Andy Andrews is
    sold somewhere in the world!
  • New York Times Bestselling Author of
    The Noticer and The Traveler's Gift
What I said does not take away from my regard for the book. Some of you missed the handout I had when  I discussed the book during Pot luck in June. Here is a link to what I said.
As you may know, the author Andy Andrews, has imaginary talks with several  famous historical persons. My favorite was Lincoln and I included in my notes what Lincoln might have said about forgiveness. I encourage you to read the book and I would be glad to share my copy
Distribution: Please tell me if you do not want to receive such emails; I will understand as we all get too many. You can always go to the Blog for current info. Click here for our Blog
(Tell me if I missed some, working on a new distribution list) John Blackwelder, Ted Bryan, Cal Chesson, Elliot Field, Ken Garfield, Will Granger (removed as he blocked receipt), Lucia for Mel Halpern, Mel  Halpern, Don Hammer, Richard Harrison, Jim Hatfield, Bob Lumadue, Durward Owen, Bob Smith, John-Paul Smith, Bob Spiro, Tom and Judy Stinson, Tim Sullivan, Danny Watts. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

See below.  Sorry for late notice.
jim h
----- Original Message -----
From: Vanessa
To: Jim
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:35 PM
Subject: Room change for tomorrow
Hello Mr. Hatfield,
I hope all is well!  I am writing to inform you that due to an early set up for a large event on Friday, Jubilee Hall will not be available for your lunch tomorrow—Thursday the 26th.  I’ve moved you into room 105.  Hope that helps and I apologize for any inconvenience!
Thank you,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bible Study Blog Instuctions #1 (Video - 30 seconds)

If you want to learn how to use this blog better, feel free to watch these videos. Good Luck
Bible Blog Instructions #1 (Video 30 seconds)
image Bible Study Blog Instuctions #1 (Video - 30 seconds)

Bible Blog Instructions #2

  1. Don't let all this writing scare you away, I know you can handle it.
  2. You are now at our Bible Blog, way to go, This address is
  3. Even though you seem to be here, now Go to or click here  and I will explain later in video
  4. You are at the Blog Entry dated 8/25/2010 called Bible Blog Instructions #2.
  5. If so inclined you might want to print out this page now. Sometimes hard to print a Blog entry.
  6. Now follow the instructions here to go to our next video called Bible Blog Instructions #2 Video.
  7. After you do  and practice the Bible Blog Instructions #2 Video, please be prepared to tell me the current count on visitors, ignoring the zeroes. Last time you did this it was  473 or 476. Please tell me the real live count the time/day you do this
  8. Watch this video and know about  the following. Video  will repeat the information at least once.
    1. Daily Blog Post or Blog Entry
    2. Links Menu (way down On Sidebar to right)
    3. Labels Menu (way down On Sidebar to right)
    4. Pages Menu  ( Top consisting of "$50 Home . . . ."
    5. Archives Menu (way down On Sidebar to right)
    6. please be prepared to tell me the current count in the video on visitors(upper right sidebar), ignoring the zeroes. Last time you did this it was 473 or 476 . You eventually will be asked the real live count the time/day you do this
  9. Here is how to go to the Video . . .  .
  10. Go to the following link by clicking on it
  11. click here for Video called Bible Blog Instructions #2 Video
  12. or go to:
  13. "Remember, click on the link and go to a video. When you see the little black arrow in the middle of the picture, Keep clicking on the arrow  for it to play.  . . .  They are real hard questions, ha ha, of course not.
  14. That's it, you are almost a CBB (Certified Bible Blogger). Let me know what is not clear and we can discuss.
  15. Practice by your self on the Blog -  - have fun and see what you learned  ..
  16. Oh,  tell me the count on visitors, at least the  current one. Please email me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Click here for Link to Tolstoy

image Click for Tolstoy

September Sessions Alternatives

As for leaders next month, I think we came up with some good alternatives. You do not need to feel like you have to do it (unless if you kinda want to that would be great).

To list (to help me remember): (In order of my preference)

  1. Take a break. The more I think about it, the more I like it. I bet many of us go to a lot of extra effort to try not to miss and it could be refreshing to go away a while and then come back. I usually worry about momentum but I do not think that would  be an issue. We have been doing this for 10 years or more.
  2. Instead of September classes, have the group and wives/etc meet for dinner one  night of  September.  If it works maybe could do on an irregular basis. I want to think on that and let it cook whether we even want to bring it up. Charlotte Cafe or fancier?  would Shebra do a meal for us at church?  Other low price alternatives?
  3. Fly Mary Lou in !
  4. Pot Luck
  5. Ask several of our members who have not led to do it
  6. Do your/some videos - Many in the class were for that at one time as some had missed and wanted to view
  7. Get a minister to talk to us
  8. Get an outside speaker
  9. Ask if anyone wants double duty for month
  10. Ask if any want double duty for a week
  11. Alternative leaders  - draw out of a hat
  12. Tours
    1. Take a tour of the Library and learn how to use it
    2. Tour church, we never got Dulen (sp) to do it as we could not match with his of work time
  13. Could we do some church project then
Maybe when we bring  September up we begin talking about the Leader format for next year and see what people think. I believe the format this year has been good for us and especially for those that lead as they  practiced more preparation and leadership of a wild group. Also maybe we need to discuss the ground rules so we are on the same boat. For example, I thought we tried to have our food and seated by 12, and I think you felt we should have the food eaten by 12. Also, I think it is common courtesy for a leader  to  arrange replacements when that leader plans to miss. Be good to mention reimbursing the Church for the Upper Rooms. If people are to miss should they tell any one before hand. If they are ill?  If someone needs a ride what can we do. Should we recognize birthdays etc. Should we get a stationery card for communications from the group. I am rambling and that is overkill but I would like us all to agree at least on the 12 o'clock food timing. Also, should we stick to the 1 p.m. ending  time.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hey Ya’ll,

It is that time of year again. I am going to take a week of vacation and maintenance is scheduled to clean the kitchen floor. This means that you may not enter the kitchen for ANY reason from Monday, Aug. 16 thru Friday, Aug. 20. Maintenance gets this one week to work on the floor so please honor their time and hard work by not entering the kitchen during this time. If you need anything from the kitchen for any reason, please get it before noon on Friday, Aug. 13. If you have a group that has any needs from the kitchen during that week, hopefully I have contacted you and you are aware that you will need to provide your meals, etc. If not, I apologize.



Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Hour Video of 2010.08.12 class.

One Hour Video of 2010.08.12 class. Tell me if you want removed.
Takes 3 to 5 minutes or more to load. Be patient.

Click Here
or 1_mpeg4.mp4

Thursday, August 5, 2010

2010.08.05 Visitors: Tim and John-Paul

Click a  picture for much larger view.