Friday, December 31, 2010

Info on this Group is here, but for the present it is not being updated

Sorry, this blog no longer is being updated - but there is information still here about the group. Let me know if you have a special request.  don 12/23/2010 Thursday 2:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

CANCELLED>>>>>Next few members or meeting visitors on this Men's Noon Thursday Noon Bible Study Blog who see this and tell me wins $50 for you, Your SS Class, or charity: (might be) removed day claimed

Ends 12/31/2010
We have three winners but offer still open . . come on guys . .

$$$$$ EASY MONEY - Next few Bible Study  members or meeting visitors on this  Men's Thursday Noon Bible  Study Blog who  see this message and tell me  wins $50 for you, Your SS Class, or charity: (might be) removed day claimed.

Tell me by adding a comment here, calling me, seeing me, or emailing me

Not required but it would help, if you would tell me what visitor number you are.
(to the right in blog - looks like this)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Poor Lesson 12/09/2010

On 12/6/2010 5:15 PM, wrote:
In addition to Jim's message, please be prepared to discuss:
  1. What is "poor”:   Several ways to look at it - can be poor in many ways and looked at in many ways.
    1. Usually it is relative, i.e. as compared to some thing/one else. .
    2. Definitions of poor on the Web:
                                                               i.      hapless: deserving or inciting pity; "a hapless victim"; "miserable victims of war"; "the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic"- Galsworthy; "piteous appeals for help"; "pitiable homeless children"; "a pitiful fate"; "Oh, you poor thing"; "his poor distorted limbs"; "a wretched life"
                                                              ii.      having little money or few possessions; "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries"; "the proverbial poor artist living in a garret"
                                                            iii.      characterized by or indicating poverty; "the country had a poor economy"; "they lived in the poor section of town"
                                                            iv.      lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances; "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value"
                                                              v.      inadequate: not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary"; "money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience"
                                                            vi.      poor people: people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group); "the urban poor need assistance"
                                                           vii.      unsatisfactory; "a poor light for reading"; "poor morale"; "expectations were poor" 
                                                         viii.      Who are the poor, People in above listing. All sizes, ages, sex, race, nationality - even some folks rich in one way, but poor in another
    1. I add
                                                               i.      it is sometimes in the mind
                                                              ii.      It is relative
1.        But from a $ financial standpoint, is not having enough resources to live at a desirable lifestyle.
  1. Is being poor a disease. In a way, yes, as being poor in money or sense or morality can lead to it passing on to descendants, just as Genes can be passed on.  And of course, poor in spirit also!
  2. Have you known someone poor???? Of course
  3. Have you helped the poor   ??? Of course
  4. Have you ever realized when it was too late that you should have helped someone who was poor???Of course
  5. Who or what should support the poor: all of us. .
  6. When should the poor not be helped? We all need help, no matter what.
  7. And other questions which I shall thrust unexpectedly upon you. So be prepared. 
    1. Whose fault is it if I am poor
    2. Should we always help the poor or the beggar
    3. Should the poor have to work if unable?
    4. Does unemployment insurance lead to lack of incentive and ultimately to being poor
    5. Is it the Government’s problem , or churches, or friends
    6. Is it up to parent to help their poor children
  1. Other:
    1.   Poor is an adjective related to a state of poverty, low quality or pity.
    2. The Poor (formerly The Poor Boys) are an Australian hard rock band that formed in the mid-1980s in Darwin, Northern Territory. They released a debut album titled Who Cares on March 15, 1994 on the Sony label. Who cares debuted at #4 on the Australian albums chart. ...
       with little or no possessions or money; to be pitied; of low quality; of inadequate amount; Deficient in a specified way; those people as a group who have little or no possessions or money. (see usage notes)
    4. And:
                                                                i.      poorness - poverty: the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
                                                               ii.      poorness - less than adequate; "the relative poorness of New England farmland"
                                                              iii.      poorness - meagerness: the quality of being meager; "an exiguity of cloth that would only allow of miniature capes"-George Eliot
                                                             iv.      poorness - the quality of being poorly made or maintained; "she was unrecognizable because of the poorness of the photography"

    1. Poorness - Poverty refers to the condition of not having the means to afford basic human needs such as clean water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter. This is also referred to as absolute poverty or destitution. ...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Little Lunch Music

Also see the "A Little Dinner Music" similar to this one (Click Here)